A powerful,full-bodied black tea from India to get your day off to great start.
Assam blacktea is a classic, and often associated with breakfast. It’s true that it isparticularly well-adapted to this important – almost decisive – moment, inwhich we prepare to have the best day possible. And what better way to start iton the right foot!
Why? BecauseAssam tea is packed with character, just like the region in India where it isgrown. This powerful, round, full-bodied tea offers a particularly pronouncedflavor.
Perfect fora morning filled with optimism and vitality.
Organic teaavailable loose because it’s good for the planet.
The info you need
The Assamregion, located in the far northeast of India is particularly fertile. It ishome to lush vegetation and a huge variety of animals including endemic speciesand others threatened with extinction. This region alone has a staggering fivenational parks!
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